Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prayers to the MOST HIGH in the Lashawan Qadash(Holy Tongue)

Ahbanawa (our father) Shaba shamayam(which in heaven) qudash(holy) hayah (be) shamka(Your Name) YAHAWAH malakwatha (your kingdom) thabaah(come) Ratazahka (your will) hayah(be) ishah(done) baahrataza(in earth) kawa(as) bashamayam(in heaven) nathanlanawa (give us) lachaam(bread) kalyawam(all day) wasalachlanawa(forgive us) chaawabwathnawa (our debts) kasalachnawa(as we forgive) Chaawabwathyanawa ( our debtors) walaah(and not) Thabayaahnawa(lead us) banasayawan(in temptation ) ahbal(but) Hawashinawa(deliver us) mayan (from) ri(evil) kaya(for) laka(to you) Hamalakwath(the kingdom) wahaahla (and the power ) wahathapaahrath(and the glory) laiwalamyam (for ever) ahman

Faith prayer YAHAWAH BA HA SHAM YAHAWASHI Barak ya ath rabyah Ahmawan

(Most High in the name of the Lord bless me with more faith )

Song to the Most High.
Shamay Yasaharahla YAHAWAH ahlahayanawa YAHAWAH WA YAHAWASHI Ahud

(Listen to Israel YAHAWAH WA YAHAWASHI our God is one).

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